Antiaging Procedures

At Dermalagos Clinic, there are various different types of antiaging procedures available for those who wish to turn back the clock on their appearance. From wrinkle-smoothing injections to skin resurfacing treatments, each option is tailored to address specific concerns and deliver effective results. Whether clients want preventative measures or require more restorative treatments, Dermalagos Clinic has an array of options that will help them look as young as they feel!

Frequently Asked Questions

The laser cause skin changes that stimulates new collagen growth to smooth and tighten the skin. You will continue to make new collagen for 6 months after a Pixel treatment

Strategically positioning dermal injectables to give the face a refreshed look.

Targeted chemical exfoliatants to address aged related concerns of fine lines and sunburn

They Can Help You

Skin diseases can be quite daunting because they are right in our eyes and the prying eyes of others. Our team of consultants can help you with effective treatments for all your concerns.